Rockwills started in year 1995 and is the pioneer in the region to provide retail professional Will-writing and Will custody services. Rockwills is also licensed respectively, in both Malaysia and Singapore to carry on trust business and its services include acting as trustee of many family trusts and the executorship of estates.
Other services include the provision of comprehensive estate planning advice and administration of offshore companies.
It is by far the largest professional estate planning company in the region, having written more than 150,000 Wills (up to January 2014) and holding over RM2 billion worth of assets under trust.
The core business of the Group are introduced through a network of some 4,000 Rockwills Estate Planners both in Malaysia and Singapore.
乐委机构私人有限公司是乐委国际集团的旗下成员. 首家提供
乐委创办于1995年8月23日. 乐委目前已超过 3,000 位资产规划专员为您提供缮写遗嘱及设立信托服务.
目前已有超过150,000 位马来西亚人选择乐委为他们立写遗嘱, 同时已超过2,000 份遗嘱已经得到遗嘱认证文件.
我们负责提供创新, 丰富和专业的资产规划及信托服务于公众人士.目前, 超过40,000 位立遗嘱人已委任乐委信托机构为遗嘱执行人及信托人, 同时乐委信托机构目前为我们的客户管理大约价值二十亿令吉的遗产和信托基金.
乐委信托机构在1949年信托公司法令的授权下, 承接各类的信托业务, 其中包括遗产行政管理, 私人与企业信托服务.
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